Work with Molten Metal
I am constantly drawing and seeking out new design ideas from my environment. Just like any artist, I am inspired by those craftsmen and artists that came before me.
The beauty of traditional blacksmithing is that many inspiring works have survived for centuries and I am often found photographing or sketching window latches, gates and candle holders from ancient churches and historic building throughout the country.
Originally I was introduced to blacksmithing by discovering fantastic old metalwork on archaeological sites, and today I prefer to work on small, intricate historic designs. My archaeological background also helps in regards to the work that I do for historical re-enactors, museums and national heritage organisations.
All of the work that I do for the re-enactors market is thoroughly researched and is often replicated from surviving museum artefacts. All replica items are produced using the original materials and methods.

Get In Touch
The forge is located between Groombridge and Hartfield, close to Tunbridge Wells, in one of the oldest country estates in England. Unfortunate the forge is not open to the general public, without an appointment (sorry).
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07525 242315
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